Probate in Ontario refers to the legal process of validating a deceased person’s will and ensuring that it is the legitimate last testament. This procedure is crucial for estates with assets solely owned by the deceased or where certain assets require confirmation of ownership. Understanding the probate process in Ontario involves comprehending its requirements, procedures, and implications.

Understanding Probate Requirements

In Ontario, probate is typically required when the deceased owned real estate solely in their name or held assets exceeding a certain threshold. This threshold is currently set at $50,000, although it can vary based on the financial institution or asset holder. The process begins by filing an application with the Superior Court of Justice, which includes submitting the original will, an affidavit of execution, and an estate information return outlining the estate’s assets and liabilities.

Navigating the Probate Process

Once the application is submitted, the court will review the documents to ensure the validity of the will and appoint the executor named in the will. The executor then obtains a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee with a Will, commonly referred to as probate. This certificate enables the executor to manage and distribute the deceased’s estate according to the terms outlined in the will. The process typically takes several months, depending on the complexity of the estate and any challenges to the will.


Probate in Ontario serves as a critical step in settling the affairs of a deceased person’s estate, ensuring assets are distributed according to their wishes or, in the absence of a will, according to provincial laws. While it adds a layer of administrative burden and costs, probate provides legal clarity and protection for all parties involved in the estate settlement process. Understanding these fundamentals can help individuals and families prepare for the complexities of probate when planning their estates in Ontario.challenge a will

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